Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I am a complete failure at NaNoWriMo. I am tragically behind on my word count. Of course, the fact that I did not start writing until November 13th might have something to do with that. I might just have to give myself a different deadline...National Novel Writing MonthS.

I am still not exactly sure where this novel is going. I had an idea, started writing, and am hoping that the characters are just going to determine what they want to do. You always read about writers saying things like that. "Oh, I thought Character A would end up doing this but she told me differently." I am still not convinced that this is not a total, bald-faced lie! I'll let you know how it turns out.

To make up for my lack of a real post, enjoy this video of naughty Miss Zoey. I told you guys that she has a bit of a temper! She was fresh and was just letting me know that she had an opinion about having to canter. Make sure your volume is turned up to get the full effect of this video...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

OKC World Show

I have been an absentee blogger recently. Life has been crazy (whose life isn't crazy though? What a bad excuse!). I fired the guy who was starting the BO's young horses so I gained seven more to work. Yikes! Unfortunately, I did not gain any more hours in the day. The time change actually took away an hour of daylight in the evenings. No help + less daylight = hectic days!

OT and I took a little field trip up to the AQHA World Show in OKC over the weekend. We had a fantastic time. It was great to just get away and go hang out for a few days. We got to watch some amazing horses show. We saw the prelims of the Sr. WP, the Sr. Western Riding, the Jr. Hunter Hack, and the Jr. HUS. If I ever hit the lottery, I will be buying a horse for the WR. I just LOVE a good lead changer. It's fantastic. With any luck, Zoey and I will be at the WS one day. I can't wait.

Zoey update: she got turned back out in the pasture. She had three days of working in the round pen, wearing a surcingle, and getting handled. She did really well during all of it. My sweet, innocent looking little filly has a bit of a temper though! I put her out in the stud pasture one day after I worked her. I thought that she would enjoy a nice romp since she had been stalled for two days. As it turns out, I was wrong. She was not at all happy to be out there by herself while her buddies were still stalled. She tried to dig her way out of the pasture. She also tried to shove her way under the gate. Naughty, naughty girl.

I was too busy trying to prevent her from making an escape to take any good pictures but I did get a few mediocre ones for your viewing pleasure.


Kind of a funny shot but it shows what a great front leg she has. Love that swing through her shoulder!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

18 months

Zoey turned 18 months old on October 26th. It's crazy how quickly time flies! I feel like it was just yesterday that she was that cute, tiny foal that I wanted so badly.

I brought her up from the pasture today. One of our clients has a weanling that is going to be living with the yearling herd eventually, so it's Miss Zoey's turn to befriend him. She was less than thrilled to be taken away from her buddies and made it known by pacing her stall behind the round pen while screaming. Within 5 minutes, however, she had settled down and was calmly munching on some hay.

I put her in the round pen for a few minutes tonight so that I could see how she moves. She is getting F-A-N-C-Y! She has grown quite a bit; I need to stick her at some point. She is also really intelligent and I think that she will be really easy to train. This was the first time I have had her in the round pen and asked her to work a little. She picked up on it right away, trotting calmly around the perimeter of the pen. As soon as I said "Whoa", she came to a halt and stood watching me. Love that! I also love how she was not concerned by the screams from the other yearling and the weanling that are stalled next to her behind the round pen. Good girl!

Now before anyone freaks out, I am not asking her to do much. She trotted around the round pen exactly four times-nothing too strenueous! I am not going to do anything to harm her. She is obviously growing quite a bit and the last thing that she needs is extra stress put on those bones and joints! I just want her to begin to learn some of these skills. She will get handled for a few days (walk around the arena, stand in the barn, possibly get introduced to clippers, etc) and then she will go back to the pasture.

It's so fun to be actually doing something with her! She's so pretty and is turning out to be such a good mover. It is hard for me to believe that she is mine!