Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I am a complete failure at NaNoWriMo. I am tragically behind on my word count. Of course, the fact that I did not start writing until November 13th might have something to do with that. I might just have to give myself a different deadline...National Novel Writing MonthS.

I am still not exactly sure where this novel is going. I had an idea, started writing, and am hoping that the characters are just going to determine what they want to do. You always read about writers saying things like that. "Oh, I thought Character A would end up doing this but she told me differently." I am still not convinced that this is not a total, bald-faced lie! I'll let you know how it turns out.

To make up for my lack of a real post, enjoy this video of naughty Miss Zoey. I told you guys that she has a bit of a temper! She was fresh and was just letting me know that she had an opinion about having to canter. Make sure your volume is turned up to get the full effect of this video...


  1. I gave up and I feel like such a failure. I did 12,000 words the first week and a half, and then stomach flu claimed my entire house for the next week and i didn't get anything done, and the next thing I knew, I was midway through week three with about 13,000 words. And now everyone is "finishing" :( NEXT YEAR!

  2. Well, that was dumb. Made the mistake of letting the DragonMonkey watch the video. It's a great video, no doubt, and she's stunning, but six times in a row it's getting a little boring.
