Saturday, August 11, 2012

Following the common theme...

The common theme of this blog seems to be "sorry for the lack of posting, excuse excuse excuse, I promise to do better!" Today is no exception.

This may not shock anyone but I am a first-class procrastinator. I used to drive my poor mother crazy by waiting until the very last possible second to complete school projects. I have always been this way and it is probably too late to change at this point.

Zoey has officially been brought up to the barn out of the pasture, which means the end of her days of running with the herd like a wild heathen. She has adjusted really well. It helps that her best friend in the whole wide world, Reba, came with her. They started out in stalls with runs next to each other...they have now been moved to the opposite ends of the barn. Too much love being channeled into separation anxiety for my taste. They still go out to the pasture together for turnout, so life is good.

She has been getting saddled a few times a week. We had a very regular schedule going until Miss Priss decided to throw a fit while tied in her stall. She has spent a lot of time tied: in the barn, in her stall, etc. and has done a really good job of not setting back/understanding that she needs to give to contact from the halter while tied. I left the barn for two minutes to grab a water bottle from the fridge and return to find her loose in her stall, halter still hanging on the lead rope on the wall. The left side of her face around her eye swelled to epic proportions...she could not see out of that eye because of the swelling for a few days. No permanent damage done...some Banamine and TLC and she was fine. Made my heart stop a little though. These damn young horses sure are a trial! I am used to the barn's horses trying to kill themselves but having your own baby is a whole new ball game.

She looks so innocent. Misbehave...never!

Funny seems that I have trained her to come when I whistle. I don't ever think about it but I have been whistling for her when I go in the pasture to see her for ages (since she was a little baby, actually). I turned her out in the arena the other day to let her run around. I was sitting on the fence watching her (who can resist watching their pretty horse play? Not this kid!) while she was at the other end of the pen. I was ready to bring her in so I whistled. Her head shot up and she long-trotted immediately to me. She was at the other end of the pasture the other day and, when I whistled, came GALLOPING straight for me. Great...I have trained a soon-to-be 1200 pound dog. Awesome. Not going to lie-it makes me smile though.

The biggest event in Zoey's life thus far (other than the saddle) was getting hosed off. Walked right in the wash rack, decided she loved the water, and stood there playing in it. She is such a bold it.
"Mom, I love this! Nom nom nom WATER!"

Loving bathtime but distracted by the dogs playing

As it so happens, I have other news to share. Zoey is going to have to share the spotlight on this blog...More details to follow but here is a sneak peek!

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