Saturday, September 17, 2011

Raising babies

Zoey currently spends all of her time in a large pasture with her four yearling buddies. I really like the way that the BO raises all her young horses.

All the broodmares and babies go into a large pasture in the back during the day and are brought back in to their stalls at night. When the summer weather arrives, the mares and foals stay out 24/7. There is a pond where they play to stay cool during the hot summer days.

Weaning occurs when the babies are 5-6 months old. They are weaned in pairs., so they have a friend throughout the process. We continue halter training during this time. Once they are leading reliably from the pasture to their stalls every day they are put in another large pasture. They live out all the time, which I love.

We handle them for vaccinations, the farrier, deworming, and that is about it. They get to play, grow bigger, and just be horses.

Zoey, Reba, and Lyle

Faith and Zoey

Play time!

Zoey might be a month younger but no one pushes her around!

Zoey is going to be 17 months on September 26th. She does not trailer load. She will not be doing any sort of longe line futurities. She has never had a saddle on her. She has never been ground driven or sacked out with anything. For some trainers, she is already behind.

You know what? That's fine by me. She runs up to me when I walk out to the pasture, ears alert and eyes bright. She is always inquisitive. She stands perfectly for the farrier. New experiences do not phase her. I can't wait until she is old enough and mature enough for me to be comfortable starting her under saddle.

We will go slow. I'm not in any hurry. I am hoping that Zoey is going to be my forever horse. I want to do things right. As long as she is happy and continues to be interested in me, I think we are on the right track.

Hey mom...what are you doing? I can play? Hi!

1 comment:

  1. If I give you a self-addressed stamped envelope (a big envelope), will you please stuff that chestnut weanling in the back into it and mail it to me?
